Tithonia Diversifolia
This isn’t that one-off orange Mexican sunflower that some call tithonia (though I have that as well). This is the real deal stretch to the sky and burst with big yellow flowers tithonia. Great for a hedge, for bees and butterflies, to build soil, and to chop and drop. Get some.
This plant can be grown and used like comfrey as a dynamic accumulator to feed the soil, make compost tea, or provide mulch. It is an organic fertilizer that will increase crop yields. It contains high levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which can restore the soil's chemical and physical properties. The plant's microorganisms also break down organic matter in the soil, making nutrients more available to plants.
The flowers hold their shape in a vase with water and would be a welcome arrangement to any home or restaurant table.
These cuttings originally came from Glenn and were first grown out in front of Mystery Garden and the now defunct Akili Elementary. This variety can only be grown from cuttings. Do not be fooled by people trying to sell seeds online.
This isn’t that one-off orange Mexican sunflower that some call tithonia (though I have that as well). This is the real deal stretch to the sky and burst with big yellow flowers tithonia. Great for a hedge, for bees and butterflies, to build soil, and to chop and drop. Get some.
This plant can be grown and used like comfrey as a dynamic accumulator to feed the soil, make compost tea, or provide mulch. It is an organic fertilizer that will increase crop yields. It contains high levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which can restore the soil's chemical and physical properties. The plant's microorganisms also break down organic matter in the soil, making nutrients more available to plants.
The flowers hold their shape in a vase with water and would be a welcome arrangement to any home or restaurant table.
These cuttings originally came from Glenn and were first grown out in front of Mystery Garden and the now defunct Akili Elementary. This variety can only be grown from cuttings. Do not be fooled by people trying to sell seeds online.
This isn’t that one-off orange Mexican sunflower that some call tithonia (though I have that as well). This is the real deal stretch to the sky and burst with big yellow flowers tithonia. Great for a hedge, for bees and butterflies, to build soil, and to chop and drop. Get some.
This plant can be grown and used like comfrey as a dynamic accumulator to feed the soil, make compost tea, or provide mulch. It is an organic fertilizer that will increase crop yields. It contains high levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which can restore the soil's chemical and physical properties. The plant's microorganisms also break down organic matter in the soil, making nutrients more available to plants.
The flowers hold their shape in a vase with water and would be a welcome arrangement to any home or restaurant table.
These cuttings originally came from Glenn and were first grown out in front of Mystery Garden and the now defunct Akili Elementary. This variety can only be grown from cuttings. Do not be fooled by people trying to sell seeds online.