I believe in abundance. I believe abundance exists inside everything that lives and the only thing blocking us from this realization is the false belief that we are separate. By reconnecting to the earth I have helped to dispel this false notion of separation. The earth slows me down. The earth shows me that all that lives dies and becomes life once again.
Growing is about watching and experimenting and working with rather than trying to control. I love to find plants that I’ve never heard of, plants from around the world, and intermix these with native plants. I have fallen in love with healing soil, with watching life abound, with starting from seed, and with eating the fruits of my labor.
I have been growing and working with kids in New Orleans for 20 years. I want to share this with more people, and I want to find greater possibility together. That’s what Community Research into Subtropical Permaculture means.
If you want to know more about me or about how we might help each other, please reach out.